Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Timeline of Social/Media/History

This project asked our group (Katie, Kyle and Myself) to investigate some of the most important inventions, and map what they were and how they've changed. We began with making our poster vey simple, and outlined the major ideas followed by similar ideas, inventions, and other things that have come from each of these major inventions or revelations. Each of us contributed a different invention, and I think each one of us knew what they were before we even discussed it. Anyways, here is the breakdown of what we thought.

Language/Speech (50,000 yrs ago) - Language was probably one of the most useful invention of all time. Language and speech are so important because they can effectively communicate our words and sounds up until this very day. Humans no longer had to draw pictures or grunt or act out what they were trying to communicate, they were able to use words. Although it may not be the same kinds of languages we use today, without this we my have never become so intelligible to actually speak.

The alphabet (over 4000 yrs ago) - from the alphabet came the invention of spelling and grammar which eventually turned into books etc. The alphabet has made it easier for humans to learn and read about new information and effectively communicate with each other through reading and writing.
The Printing Press (1430’s) - the printing press gave humans the ability to mass produce books and newspapers not only once but millions of times. The printing press has given most people the privilege of books and learning how to read. The world has become a lot more educated and informed because books, newspapers and magazines can be mass produced.

Typewriter (1886) - Books no longer had to be hand written when the typewriter was invented. The typewriter allowed work to be completed a lot faster then before. It also provoked inventors to later invent the computer etc.

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