Saturday, November 24, 2007

Coming to the End!

Well, There is only one Mass Comm class left and to tell you the truth im happy in some ways and sad in others. I learned a lot this semester, and like Mark said at the beginning of the semester, he figured and from previous responses that this would be one of our hardest and most interesting classes throughout our whole university experience.

So Far, it has been great, this is defenetely the most interesting class I have been a part of and I am happy for the most part on my success thus far. Hopefully these blogs will be a job well done, as I have spent lots time, effort, and thought on making each one of these posts unique for myself and sort of interesting for others to. The whole point of blogs is self reflection, so although this blog is in essence for Mark Lipton, it is not essentially geared towards him. My thoughts are true to what I think and nothing is made up. I personally am not a fan of liars, nor fake people, I despise celebrities, reality shows, and pop icons because they are all fake. It's stupid to lie in this world and at some point it will catch up with you. I Have friends none the less that live by this fake crap and I can't take it, it changes their lives whether they think so or not.

So! getting past that, I just hope that everything I have written has been a true self reflection, and that my effort in all my writing will pay off!

It's Crunch Time!

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