Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Communication in the Media and Concepts

Today, was a really interesting day in class, and it was defenetely one of my favorite so far. When we were all settled in class and ready to go, we started to watch a commercial for one of the big jeans and clothing companies; GAP. I had seen the commercial before, so i knew what company it was advertising for as soon as i saw it. After we watched it once we sort of discussed lightly how celebrities are used to promote products for companies and such which already was something i had not thought about every time i had seen the commercial. As we watched it again, Mark told us to look for symbols and other little things that were sort of behind the scenes or in places we wouldnt usually look when watching the commercial originally. As we took a second view, and responded to Mark's questions a few different things were brought up and some things were noticed in the commercial that no one had even noticed. This picture on the right signifies one main proposition we brought up about how the left is always more dominant than the right and everything to do with Madonna in this video deals with things on her left side or for example her turning to the left. On the other hand, Missy Elliot seems to do everything with the right side including turning and even to the little things of the way scenes behind her move from the the right to the left which isn't as effective for the viewer. To begin to think about things like this is I feel is really cool because i am beginning to see different signs and look directly in to the media rather than just coolly observing it.

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